Founded in 1973, Diagma is the first French supply chain management consulting firm, founded by Jean-Patrice Netter, who developed the methodology for optimizing physical distribution networks, which is now disseminated among the best practices in the field.
We are an independent extended Supply Chain consulting firm and believe in human strength, scientific rigor and data analysis and modeling. We want to help our customers while helping to protect the environment through better use of resources.
Our team is led by associates with complementary experience, business and sector profiles, all passionate about Supply Chain and their clients' businesses. We have chosen to control the size of our structure so that each of the partners is really involved in its missions with the Diagma teams and those of the client.

We advise company decision-makers to design and implement an intelligent Supply Chain that understands and knows how to adapt to business orientations according to key success factors.
The “Diagma Way”, is a co-construction approach to design and deploy optimized and scalable solutions based on our firm's specific values and culture.
We support our clients' projects all over the world and are present in Europe, Latin America, North Africa and the Middle East.
Innovative, we are also creators of methods and tools: we develop and maintain our own tools, and integrate digital, robotics and video.
We have also created a spin-off, AZAP, which publishes and integrates advanced planning and forecasting software (APS for Advanced Planning System)